Hobbymesser von Hudy

Ein Hobbymesser sollte jeder Modellbauer in seiner Werkzeugkiste haben. Ein solches gibt es von Hudy mit austaschbaren Klingen.

Ersatzklingen solltet ihr stets zur Hand haben. Diese gibt es separat.

Englische Version 

New HUDY Blade Hobby Knife with Alu Handle & HUDY Replaceable Hobby Knife Blades (10pcs)

#188980 HUDY Blade Hobby Knife with Alu Handle

  •             Aluminum handle
  •             Lightweight design
  •             Replaceable super sharp blades
  •             Protective cap
  •             Perfect for trimming &cutting
  •             Black color

HUDY Blade Hobby Knife is a must have tool for any RC car user. Great for trimming and cutting. The black coated lightweight aluminum handle provides sufficient grip and the protective plastic cap ensures safety during storing. The replaceable super sharp blades #188984 are available as a set of 10pcs.

#188984 HUDY Replaceable Hobby Knife Blades (10pcs)

Set of 10 replaceable hobby knife blades in plastic protective box for #188980 HUDY Blade Hobby Knife with Alu Handle.


Quelle: Hudy