Xray siegt beim 3. und 4. Round des MC Best Cup in Langenthal

Auf der permanenten Outdoorstrecke im Hard in Langenthal fand die 3. und 4.Round des MC Best Cup statt. An diesem Wochenende war es mit -1° am Samstag morgen sehr kühl. Für die Jahreszeit etwas zu kalt. Gefahren wurde zwei Rennen und zwar eins am Samstag und der 4.Lauf am Sonntag, den 30.April 2017. In den beiden gefahrenen Klassen gab es an beiden Tagen ein komplett andere Reihenfolge. Michael  Henzi wäre fast ein Doppelsieg gelungen. Er verpasste das Kunststück um Haaresbreite mit Platz 2 beim 4.Lauf in 1/8 am Sonntag. Schneller war diesmal Thomas Henzi. Die kompletten Ergebnisse findet ihr hier und danach ein kurzer Bericht von Monika Ackermann und Bilder von Ariane und Sue.

Die Ergebnisse vom 3.Lauf: –Hier klicken–

Die Ergebnisse vom 4.Lauf: –Hier klicken–

Englische Version

Race report by Monika Ackermann

XRAY RX8 2017 wins the 3rd and 4th Round of MC Best Cup in Langenthal

It was a very cold Saturday morning, -1°, at the beautiful track in Langenthal.

On Saturday Michael Henzi repeated the good result from Lostallo and he won the race with his RX8 in front of Daniel Braunschweiler and Stefan Graber. In the 1/10th Patrick Fankhauser took the win with his NT1 in front of Roger Fasler and Manfred Ebener.

Sunday was really good, the weather was better and warmer. The racing weather was really good too with very good results of our customers. Everybody was motivated!
Henzi Michael and his father Thomas were the fastest on the track during the qualifiying rounds and at the end Thomas finished in TQ in front of his son Michael. On the 3rd spot Wenger Martin, with the RX8 too.

In the 20min final Michael and Thomas Henzi decided to change all the 4 tires after 10min. Simon did a perfect job and so Michael Henzi could finish the final in 2nd position behind his father Thomas. On the 3rd spot finished Raphael Wicki.

Congratulations to all the drivers for the good results. Thanks to Ariane and Sue for the pictures.

Many thanks to MRCL for the organization and to Beat and Käthi Stadler, the MC Best Cup organisers. Without them is impossible to organize such a nice event. I really appreciate the weekend.


Handel:  ToniSport-Logo-Black_webstefan_klein_kleinkram_logo , LRP-Modellaushop , mikanews_raceshop ,

und Fachhandel.

Quelle: Teamxray

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