Serpent hat für seinen aktuelle SRX8e Buggy ein Saddle-Pack-Upgrade Kit im Progamm. Damit könnt ihr das Akkulayout in eurem Buggy ändern und Saddle-Packs fahren.
Billy Easton entwarf dieses Set für den Cobra SRX8E. Die einzigen zusätzlichen Teile, werden hier im Bild gezeigt (hintere Versteifung , 2 Antriebswellen, Getriebeabdeckung usw.).
Mehr Infos dazu findet ihr hier im Handbuch:
Englische Version
Cobra SRX8E saddle pack upgrade
Serpent releases the saddle pack upgrade for the very popular Cobra SRX8E buggy, which has the brick/block type layout as standard.
Billy Easton designed the Cobra SRX8E in a very smart way, so its very simply and fast to change from block to saddle layout. The only extra parts needed as shown here, the saddle battery supports, centre diffcover, rear stiffener and 2 centre drive shafts.
The chassis, motormount and centre diff brackets remain the same, just change position. Same for the receiverbox which moves to the front stiffener location.
Serpent made a complete manual to show the saddle pack assembly. The manual can be found here:
The weight balance of the saddle configuration is also close to perfect, and can be further optimised per track with battery type, position and weights.
600959 Saddle pack layout set SRX8E
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, RMV und Fachhandel.
Quelle: Serpent
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