Es gibt auch einige Frauen, die an der XRS / PLMS Onroad Rennserie am letzten Wochenende in Polen teilnahmen. Eine von ihnen ist die sehr sympathische Dame Anna Szymaňská, die mit der Formel XRAY X1 am Start war. Bei jedem Rennen der Serie gibt es schön Preise zu gewinnen. Diesmal wurden 5 Teilnehmer ausgewählt, die gegeneinander antraten. In die Wertung gingen die drei schnellsten aufeinanderfolgenden Runden. Der Sieger bekam einen XRAY XB2. Der Kampf darum war mal etwas ganz anderes.

Das nächste Rennen von der XRS / PLMS POLAND Round 3 findet am 18. November 2017 statt.

Die Strecke

Englische Version

Race report by Martin Korinek


The 2nd race of popular onroad series took place in Ścinawka Średnia with attendance of more than 60 racers.


Popular class with limited power – XRS Hobbywing 13,5T motors, had a lot of entries even on the 2nd race of the season and therefore also a lot of exciting racing. This time also some juniors made it up to A-main!

  1. Šimon Horák – XRAY T4
  2. Mariusz Zachacz – XRAY T4
  3. Przemysław Wicher – XRAY T4
  4. Wiktor Twardowski – XRAY T4
  5. Paweł Grześkowiak – XRAY T4
  6. Bruno Zachacz – XRAY T4
  7. Grzegorz Nóżka – XRAY T4
  8. Krzysztof Andruchów – XRAY T4
  9. Sebastian Stępniak – XRAY T4
  10. Marek Kusiakiewicz – XRAY T4


The fastest class of the racing series didn´t have so many entries, however there were still some epic fights to watch as TOP 3 was super close and only tiny mistakes decided.

  1. Martin Korinek – XRAY T4
  2. Jarosław Siwek – XRAY T4
  3. Jakub Michalski – XRAY T4
  4. Mirek Novák – XRAY T4
  5. Martin Vdoviak – XRAY T4


Favorite class (which reminds us of real F1 cars) had also limited power – XRS Hobbywing 21,5T motor, which made racing quite close. Even in this class there was a lot of close racing, especially in finals, where were many beautiful fights.

  1. Šimon Horák XRAY X1
  2. Marek Kusiakiewicz XRAY X1
  3. Mariusz Zachacz XRAY X1
  4. Prrzemysław Cygan XRAY X1
  5. Tomasz Szymański XRAY X1
  6. Krzysztof Niebora XRAY X1
  7. Grzegorz Kuzak XRAY X1
  8. Sebastian Stępniak XRAY X1
  9. Anna Szymańska XRAY X1
  10. Jerzy Ryman

Interesting fact about the race

There also some women who take part in XRS/PLMS Onroad racing series. One of them is very likeable lady Anna Szymaňská, who races with formula XRAY X1.

Each race, there are some very nice prices. This time 5 randomly chosen racers raced for the quickest 3 consecutive laps and the winner got XRAY XB2 and it was a very exciting show!

Next race of XRS/PLMS POLAND, which is number 3, takes place on 18th November 2017.

Handel: ToniSport-Logo-Black_web , stefan_klein_kleinkram_logo , mikanews_raceshop , LRP-Modellaushop  ,  , , und Fachhandel.

Quelle: teamxray

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