Nun gibt es erste Bilder des neuen Yokomo BD10. Mit dem BD10 geht Yokomo auch den Schritt Richtung Mittelmotor.
Nach einer gründlichen Analyse der Fahrwerksbewegungen eines Autos während der Fahrt, hat sichYYokomo für einen Mittelantrieb entschieden, welcher das Gleichgewicht zwischen Vorder- und Hinterachse hinsichtlich des Gewichts und des Antriebsmoments optimiert.
Der vordere und hintere Querlenker sind jeweils um 2 mm verlängert.
- Neues Design des Antriebsstranges
- Neues Chassis und Topdeck
- Neuer Aluminium Motorhalter
- Neue, längere Schwingen (2mm länger)
- Neue Aluminium Schwingenhalter (für längere Schwingen)
- Neue „Pitch Control“ Platte
- Neue Beschichtung am Dämpfergehäuse
- Neue „Dual Shock“ O-Ringe
- Neue, super progressive Federn (vorne)
- Neues Center Pulley (20Z)
- Neue 4mm Radmitnehmer
- Neue AXON Stabis (vorne/hinten)
- Neue AXON Diff O-Ringe
Englische Version
„After thoroughly analyzing chassis-motions of a car during driving time which had affected its operability, we laid out a center drive which optimized the balance between the front and the rear regarding the weight and the driving torque. The overwhelming drivability brought by the optimal combination of roll center, pivot axis, pitching balance, weight distribution and all other values broke the common sense of today’s touring cars that tends to be peaky and realized both stability and speed.
This model accelerated a high-traction with the front and rear suspension arms which was extended for 2 mm while having the minimum pitching motion that also heightened the kinematic performance important for accurate cornering, and acquired the controllability throughout the cornering and reduced the burden on the driver.
Caption 1)
It reduced the pitching motion with the front and back isometric belts and realized a high stability in all cornering.
Caption 2)
It has the front and rear suspension arms extended for 2mm each and realized a high performance with a minimal motion.
Caption 3)
The pitching control plate adjusted the rear stiffness and realized the optimum traction balance.“
Artikelnummer: MRTC-BD10
Quelle: Team Yokomo /
Weitere Links
Mittelmotor-Kit für den MTC-1 mit wahlweise Chassis aus Carbon , Alu Flex ,Alu Cross Flex