Zum Ende des Jahres brodelt es wieder in der Gerüchteküche. Für Ryan Cavalieri geht nicht bei Sworkz weiter. Dies berichtete er in einem Statement bei Facebook. Leider blieb es dabei. Wohin es 2021 geht, gibt er erst bekannt.
Posting von Ryan Cavalieri:
With 2020 coming to an end, its time to make the announcement that I will no longer be running for Sworkz. I would like to thank Max sonnleitner, George Horninger and Scott Yang for the past two years. When I first signed with Sworkz back in 2018 a lot of people had their doubts that I would be able to exceed with them. In just a short time after signing with Sworkz, the brand started picking up momentum with customers and delivering wins. I’m really excited I was able to be a part of this and to see it continue to grow. I feel it’s great for the industry and I wish them the best in the future. Stay tuned for the big news coming soon.
Quelle: Ryan Cavalieri – Facebook