Ein interessantes Rennwochenende gab es am letzten Wochenende auf der grünen Hölle in Berlin. Neben einen spannenden FWD Rennen, welches der ETS R2 Gewinner Stefan Schulz gewann, gab es einen Ladys Cup, der spontan gefahren wurde. Gewinnerin war die Freundin Jasmin Wellmann von Stefan Schulz. Toll, dass wäre eine Idee für andere Veranstalter.
Hier der Bericht von Stefan:
Race report by Stefan Schulz
Race report from TOS in Marzahn, Germany.
Me and my Grilfriend made the first Places in our classes!
What a great Weekend!
It was a great experience to drive in another track with difficult track conditions.
I was also able to win in all qualifying and on final.
The Rain made the race to end up early.
The results in FWD are:
1. Stefan Schulz – XRAY
2. Torsten Baggendorf – ARC
3. Manuel Stankowitz – Awesomatix
My Girlfriend wanted to try to drive.
On Saturday I build her a car with a 17.5T motor and let her drive.
She enjoyed very much, that gave us the occasion to create an extra „Lady’s Cup“, together with my Mum, the Mum of Jasmin Donath and Oliver Heise’s Girlfriend.
They had the same rules like the other classes: 3 qualifications and 3 finals.
You could see that my Girlfriend was very concentrated on her performance and that she tried to get better and better.
In every run she got cleaner and faster.
About 5 Laps more than the opponents she won her first trophy. Congrats!
The results from the Lady’s Cup:
1. Jasmin Wellmann – XRAY
2. Vivian Donath – XRAY
3. Denise Janzen – XRAY
Quelle: teamxray