Simari siegt bei der Winter Race Trophy


In Italien fand am letzten Wochenende die Winter Race Trophy statt.

Bei diesem Rennen konnte Andrea Simari ein Doppelsieg feiern. Hier sein Bericht:

In the stock class, Simari Andrea wins all 3 finals from TQ position. Di Vincenzo Marco closes in second position after a good fight with third Nathan Atlani.

13.5 results:

1. Simari Andrea – XRAY X4

2. Di Vincenzo Marco – XRAY X4

3. Nathan Atlani – Awesomatix


In the FWD class, Simari Antonio copies his brother and wins starting from TQ. Laletta Riccardo finished 2nd and Cavuoto Ivo on 3rd position.

FWD results:

1. Simari Antonio – XRAY X4F

2. Laletta Riccardo – XRAY X4F

3. Cavuoto Ivo – Awesomatix

