Mit einem jungen talentierten Rennfahrer aus den USA unterstützt Schumacher Racing auf den Nachwuchs. Mit Phi-Long Nguyen (Little Bump!) hat man einen 12 jährigen Fahrer ins Team geholt, der bereits gute Ergebnisse holte. Man möchte ihn unterstützen und denkt, dass er einer der kommenden Stars sein wird. Fahren wird er die Elektro 1/10 Off- und Onroader.
Ich wünsche viel Erfolg.

Englische Version
Schumacher Racing would like to welcome Phi-Long Nguyen (Little Bump!) to the team!
Phi-Long is a very talented young racer at just 12 years old. He has chosen us as his full 1/10th sponsor so he will be running both the CAT L1R and Cougar LD3 in Off Road and also the Mi8 in On Road too. He has already achieved many great results so for sure is a star of the future.
Phi-Long and his Dad had this to say “We are absolutely super excited and honoured to pilot these awesome cars around the track, great times are ahead racing for Schumacher. A big thank you to Muz and all at Schumacher for making this happen, we are ready to go and will hit the tracks soon!”
All at Schumacher Racing welcome Phi-Long on board and wish him the best of luck.
Quelle: Schumacher Racing und CS-SHOP