Team RC Discharger Sponsorship

Sind Sie ein leidenschaftlicher RC -Rennfahrer, der Ihre Leistung auf die nächste Stufe bringen möchte? Das Team RC Discrager bietet Fahrern, die sich in verschiedenen Kategorien auszeichnen, aufregende Sponsoring -Möglichkeiten. Egal, ob Sie beim Stock Racing, Drag Racing, Oval oder 1/8 Offroad und 1/8 Onroad fahren, dies könnte Ihre Chance sein, die Marke RC Discress zu vertreten!

Englische Version

Are you a passionate RC racer looking to take your performance to the next level? Team RC Discharger is offering exciting sponsorship opportunities for drivers who excel in various categories. Whether you’re into Stock Racing, Drag Racing, Oval, or 1/8 Off-Road and 1/8 On-Road, this could be your chance to represent the RC Discharger brand!

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Sportsmanship: We’re seeking drivers who demonstrate great sportsmanship both on and off the tracks.
  • Performance-Driven: If you’re committed to improving your racing performance, RC Discharger products can help you achieve your goals.

Responsibilities as a Sponsored Driver:

  • Brand Ambassador: As a sponsored driver, you’ll be an ambassador for RC Discharger. Represent the brand proudly during races and at other RC events.
  • Helpful and Patient: Be ready to answer questions from fellow racers about RC Discharger products. Your knowledge and experience matter!

Application Process:

  1. Visit the Team RC Discharger website.
  2. Fill out the sponsorship application form.
  3. Provide the following information:
    • Personal Details: Name, email, age, and address.
    • RC Racing Career: Share details about your racing journey, including the tracks you race on and your experience level.
    • Race Classes: Indicate the classes you participate in (e.g., 1/8 Off-Road, On-Road, etc.).
    • Titles and Achievements: Mention any championships or major events you’ve won.
    • RC Products: Tell us about the brands of products you use, including cars, chargers, power supplies, ESCs, brushless motors, and LiPo batteries.
    • Favorite Hobby Shop: Share the name of your go-to hobby shop.
    • Current Sponsorship: If you’re already sponsored by another RC brand, provide relevant details.

Get Ready to Race with RC Discharger! 

For more information and to apply, visit the Team RC Discharger Sponsorship Application page. Best of luck, and may your racing journey be electrifying! 

Team RC Discharger “Sponsorship Application” – RC Discharger

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