Schlagwort-Archive: Danish Nationals R5

Bulow, Lund und Nielsen siegreich bei den Danish Nationals R5

Bei den Danish Nationals R5 am letzten Wochenende in Tinglev konnten Bulow, Lund und Nielsen sich in die Siegerlisten eintragen. Villian Bulow berichtet in seinem Report in Englisch.

„Race Report by Villiam Bulow

Round 5 out of 6 of Danish Nationals took place in Tinglev, just a few kilometres from the northern part of Germany. A lot of Xray drivers took part in the event so we were well represented in all three touring car classes + F1.

It is my first year in this series and my third year in RC. Again I attended in the Stock class with the 17.5 turn motor. The difference between Stock and Super Stock is the gear ratio (5.5 and 4.0). With 3 races won so far and a lead in the U16 the championship the season have been really satisfying.

Qualifying Sunday morning didn’t start well for me, as some small adjustments to my T4 made it a bit unstable on the high grip carpet. Luckily we manage to sort this out and I could set the fastest time in the last two qualifying sessions and ended up as TQ.

We didn’t make any changes in the finals, and the car was perfect. I won all 3 finals and also the last final in the U16 category.

Stock Results
1. Villiam Bulow – XRAY T4
2. Lasse Stokholm
3. Jens Otto Frederiksen – XRAY T4

A very satisfying weekend ended up with great results for Xray as we could win all Touring car classes. Casper Lund won Super Stock and Kevin Nielsen won Modified.

Super Stock Results
1. Caper Lund – XRAY T4
2. Stefan Finnich – XRAY T4
3. Phillip Pedersen

Modified Results
1. Kevin Nielsen – XRAY T4
2. Frederik Hovgaard
3. Patrick Danielsen – XRAY T4

Now I am looking forward to the final race in the series which is only 10 days ahead.

A huge thanks for all support from and the XRAY team members during the weekend.“

Quelle: teamxray

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Kevin Nielsen siegt bei der dänischen DRCMU-Serie R2
