REVOLUTION DESIGN RACING PRODUCTS hat seinen Sturzlehren ein kleines Update gegönnt. Die Sturzeinstellung ist für euer Fahrzeug ab 1/12 bis 1/8 anhand der Scala kein Problem.
Es gibt die Lehre in 5 verschiedenen Farben: rot, orange, schwarz, blau und hellblau.
Englische Version
RDRP Ultra Camber Gauge R2
Revolution Design Racing Products popular Ultra Camber Gauge is now available in the 2016 version. Offering a slightly updated design, the tool, made from aircraft-grade 7075-T6 aluminium, now also comes in a choice of five different colours including red, orange, black, blue and light blue. Apart from that the functions remain the same with the gauge being usable for 1/12th to 1/8th scale vehicles, it is made from durable yet lightweight material and its laser-etched markings makes it stand out from the crowd.…/rdrp0003r2-ultra-camber-gaug…
RDRP0003R2-BLK Ultra Camber Gauge R2 (black)
RDRP0003R2-RED Ultra Camber Gauge R2 (red)
RDRP0003R2-BLU Ultra Camber Gauge R2 (dark blue)
RDRP0003R2-ORA Ultra Camber Gauge R2 (orange)
RDRP0003R2-LBL Ultra Camber Gauge R2 (light blue)
UVP: je 29,99 €
Bezugsquelle: Fachhandel
Quelle: Revolution Design / Ruddog