Maxima Mx Europa freut sich, den jungen und talentierten Italiener Alessandro Remia für die Saison in ihrem offiziellen Off-Road-Team begrüßen zu dürfen.
Alessandro und Maxima Mx Europa werden eng zusammenarbeiten, um gute Ergebnisse zu erreichen. Seine fahrerischen Fähigkeiten, seine Motivation und sein Engagement hat quasi Maxima Mx Europe überzeugt.
Englische Version
Maxima Mx Europa is pleased to annouce the young and talented Italian driver Alessandro Remia will join our official Off Road Team for the upcoming season.
We are very happy to have Alessandro working closely with us and hope to help him to achieve all the results he looks for this season and beyond.
His driving skills, motivation and dedication he puts on each challenge for sure will bring what we are looking for, on the long run.
Alessandro has the following to say:
„I would to thank Maxima for the opportunity given. I’m proud to joining in the team Maxima. I Tested the Products and I’m exited about the results.
2017 will be an year of greats changes. I want take good results on Italian and International races.“
Race Calendar:
º Italian Job Race in IBR
º GP Montpellier
º NEO Race 17
º Italian Nationals
º Bitty Contest
º World Indoor IBR
º Local club events and more
We wish you the best! Enjoy and have always fun in each race you attend.
Quelle: Maxima Mx Europa ( | @FB ( | RadioControl (”