Contact Racing Tyres hat ganz neue verklebte Reifen für GT12 und LMP12 Klassen im Programm. Nach langen Tests auf verschiedenen Strecken und mit unterschiedlichen Haftmitteln konnten diese nun für den Markt freigegeben werden.

Reifenmischungen und Typen
Englische Version
Contact Racing Tyres are pleased to introduce a new range of tyres for GT12 and LMP12 classes. Having been tested over several months by our engineering team and high level drivers the new compounds are sure to give more options for varying carpet and additive conditions.
New foam includes T foam and World champioship winning Bomber foam, mounted on stiffer black wheels.
T Foam
T foam is the most complete in the range. It benefits from performance and lap times equal or better than Q foam, with the added benefit of being easier to drive, less twitchy and easy to attack the track with. This often leads to improved lap times. It also has much better durability, lower wear rates (close to A foam) and when using the non-oil type additives, keeps grip to the end of the race much better than our other options. This tyre is great on all carpet types.
B Foam
This tire is secured from our partners Team Bomber in Japan. It is the foam that was used to win the 2016 IFMAR 1/12 world championships and often offers the best performance. It is a super quick tire in all circumstances; it’s only down side being the increased wear rates over T foam. (More similar to Q foam wear)
It is often a great option for use on just the rear of the car, when you want super planted high grip rear traction. In this case try any of the low shore rated fronts such 30, 32 and 35 in either A, Q, J or T foam.
J Foam
J Foam in a very fast tire when the track grip is high. It lends itself well to Primafelt carpet or when oil based additives are used. In these cases it may even be faster than T foam, although this lap time comes from a more aggressive handling car.
A Foam
A Foam is our most durable, affordable tire. Perfect if you want to go many runs without taking the wheels off the car during weekly club racing. The wear rate of this foam is the lowest in the range, even lower than seen with T foam. It rarely offers the overall performance of the others, however in lower traction conditions; occasionally it is a match for the more expensive options. Suggested for use on Primafelt or CRC Black carpet, or when oily additive is in use for.
Q Foam
Q foam offers more performance than A foam in most conditions. It does however have higher wear rates so needs to be replaced slightly more often than A. It works great on ETS type carpet. Compared with T foam it is capable of matching T foams performance on lap time, although it has a tendency to lose some of its performance throughout the race when using all non-oil type additives such as SXT3.0 or Nosram Carpet.
Die neuen Produkte von Schumacher auf der Nürnberger Spielwarenmesse 2017:
Bezugsquelle: Fachhandel und , CS-SHOP
Quelle: Schumacher Racing und CS-SHOP