Bei super äußeren Wetterbedingungen startete in der Schweiz der 2.Lauf zur Meisterschaft in den Klasse Elektro 1/10 Offroad auf der EMBCM-Dirt-Track in Horgen.Wie zuletzt auf der Indoor-Strecke in Islikon konnte Martin Hofer einen weiteren Doppelsieg in 2 und 4WD feiern. Philip Jeisy triumphierte dagegen in 2WD Monster mit seinem Xray XT2. Mehr hier:
Englische Version
Report by Schmid Dieter and Jeisy Philip
The second round of the Swiss Championship 2017 was held at the EMBCM-Dirt-Track in Horgen.
At 30 degrees above zero it was a challenge for the drivers and their material.
Because of the different surfaces (about 50% carpet and 50% dirt) it wasn’t easy to find the perfect setup. So we had to try different setups in the practice heats to be on pace for the qualification runs. Our cars were ready to do some fast laptimes.
In 2WD and 4WD Patrick Hofer was the man to beat. Patrick won almost every qualification heat so he placed his cars on the TQ spot in both classes.
Nico Schmid managed to qualify third in 4WD and got fourth place 2WD while his brother Florian was in 3th place 2WD and 7th place 4WD.
Philip Jeisy managed to TQ every run in the Truck class, while he started on the 6th position.
In the finales Patrick Hofer continued his strong performance all over the weekend and won the 2WD and 4WD class after the wins in the first 2, out of 3 finales.
The Schmid Brohters managed to climb the podium spots in 2WD with a second place of Nico and a great 3th place of Florian.
As in 2WD Nico reached the second position 4WD in front of Fabian Luca Widmer. Florian pumped up from 7th to 4th place after some great final heats.
As in the practice runs the XT2 worked great in the finals so Philip Jeisy could finish the second Swiss Championship round on the top of the podium!
Congratulations to Remo Bulla for the good performance at his very first dirt-race of his short career. Keep up the good work!
See you at the next Championship Round in Härkingen. It’s time for another, great carpet track!
2.SM-Lauf Off Road 2WD Monster
1 | Philip Jeisy | Xray XT2 |
2 | Jan Dissler | ASSO |
3 | Martin Weidmann | Xray XT2 |
4 | Michael Schätzle | Xray XT2 |
5 | Hansrudi Embacher | Xray XT2 |
6 | Remo Bulla | Xray XT2 |
7 | Rainer Zimmer | Xray XT2 |
2.SM-Lauf Off Road 2WD Horgen
1 | Patrick Hofer | ASSO |
2 | Nico Schmid | XRAY |
3 | Florian Schmid | XRAY |
4 | Fabian Luca Widmer | YOKOMO |
5 | Pascal Jutz | TLR 22 3.0 |
6 | Peter Forster | YOKOMO |
7 | Adrian Müller | YOKOMO |
8 | Philipp Huber | DURANGO |
9 | Kay Frehner | ASSO |
10 | Roman Kummer | ASSO |
2.SM-Lauf Off Road 4WD Horgen
1 | Patrick Hofer | ASSO |
2 | Nico Schmid | XRAY |
3 | Fabian Luca Widmer | YOKOMO |
4 | Florian Schmid | XRAY |
5 | Markus Streuli | LOSI |
6 | Peter Forster | YOKOMO |
7 | Philip Jeisy | XRAY |
8 | Daniel Fankhauser | Schumacher |
9 | Tobias Tönz | XRAY |
10 | Osi Oswald | XRAY |
2.SM-Lauf Off Road 2WD Sportsman
1 | Nico De Bortoli | YOKOMO |
2 | Pascal Baumann | XRAY |
3 | Raphael Fruci | YOKOMO |
4 | Adriano Fruci | YOKOMO |
5 | Jason Mutti | ASSO |
6 | Oliver Gygax | TEAM C |
7 | Rémy Baumann | XRAY |
8 | Corinne Schätzle | XRAY |
Handel: ,
, Fachhandel
Quelle: teamxray