DHI-CUP 2019 präsentiert von LRP

Der Winter rückt näher und 2019 ist nur noch wenige Monate entfernt … und es ist Zeit für DHI-CUP. Der Termin für den DHI Cup 2019 steht bereits fest. Vom 11-13. Januar 2019 wird diesem Event zum Anfang des Jahres in der „Sparekassen Fyn Arena“ stattfinden,also am selben Ort wie im Vorjahr.

Der Veranstalter öffnet bei myrcm.ch am Dienstag, den 30. und Mittwoch 31. Oktober 2018 die Nennung.

Das ist richtig, zwei verschiedene Tage !! Der Veranstalter hatte in den letzten Jahren festgestellt, dass der Server bei myrcm.ch zu überlastet war, als die Nennung geöffnet wurde. Deshalb hat der Veranstalter in diesem Jahr einige Änderungen vorgenommen.

  • Tourenwagen: Dienstag, 30. Okt., 20.00 GMT1 +
  • Tourenwagen Super Stock Dienstag 30. Oktober 21.00 GMT1 +
  • Offroad 4WD: Mittwoch 31. Oktober 20.00 GMT1 +
  • Off-Road 2WD: Mittwoch 31. Oktober 21.00 GMT1 +

Bevor ihr eure Eingabe macht, loggt euch bitte mit eurem myrcm-Account ein und überprüft, ob alle Angaben richtig sind, damit ihr alle Informationen von der Veranstaltung erhaltet.

Regeln werden voraussichtlich Anfang November bekannt gegeben.

Ein paar wichtige Punkte gibt es noch:
  • maximal in 3 Klassen kann genannt werden
  • auch die Finale finden auf beiden Strecken gleichzeitig statt. Wer in zwei Klassen gleichzeitig im Finale fährt, muss sich für eines der beiden entscheiden

Anzahl der Startplätze ist begrenzt.

  • TW Stock – 80
  • TW Modified – 60
  • 2WD – 70
  • 4WD – 70

580 DKK Onroad-Tourenwagen inkl. 1 Satz LRP CPX V22 (pro Klasse Super Stock oder Modified)
680 DKK Offroad inklusive (pro Klasse 2WD oder 4WD inkl. 1 Paar Schumacher vorne und hinten vorgeklebte Reifen.

Mehr Informationen in der englischen Version.

Englische Version

Winter is getting closer and 2019 is only a few months away.. and it is time for DHI-CUP – The 2019 edition of DHI-Cup will be from 11-13rd January. We open for entries at myrcm.ch on Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st Oct. 2018.
That´s right two different days!! We saw previous years the server at myrcm.ch was too busy when the entry opens, therefore have we made some changes this year.

The entry will open as follow, so keep an eye on www.myrcm.ch:

Touring Car Modified: Tuesday 30th Oct. 20.00 GMT1+
Touring Car Super Stock Tuesday 30th Oct. 21.00 GMT1+

Off-Road 4WD: Wednesday 31st Oct. 20.00 GMT1+
Off-Road 2WD: Wednesday 31st Oct. 21.00 GMT1+

Before you make your entry, please log in on your myrcm account and check all your information are right, we saw last year many drivers have wrong email address and didn´t receive all the information from us.

Please note: fill out the “pit reservation field”. If you want to sit with your favorite team, club, friend or country, etc. etc., you fill that in the “pit reservation field”

Rules are expected to be announced in beginning of November.

All A-finalist from 2018 are secure a spot on the entry list in class they qualified for A-final in 2018 in, (if you made the A-final in 2WD, but not in 4WD, you got a spot in 2WD for 2019 edition)
As we have seen in the previous year the interest for DHI-Cup have been huge, but we are limited on pit space and we don´t want to race to midnight (we do to about 21.00) or put more drivers in the heats. We mean is important to get more track time and great racing and give the competitors opportunity to meet new and old friends and perhaps get a beer somewhere or visit a restaurant.
That’s the main reason why we have limited the amount of entries previous years and again for 2019.
We allow racers to compete in maximum 3 classes in 2019, but we don´t recommend to compete in both off-road and touring car section, as practice and finals are running on both tracks at the same time and there is an opportunity you have to be on both tracks at the same time.

Amount of spots that will be available in the classes at 30th and 31st October.
Stock Stock 80
Modified 60
2WD 70
4WD 70

Entry fee:
580 DKK On-road Touring Car incl. 1 set LRP CPX V22 (per class Super Stock or Modified)
680 DKK Off-road including (per class 2WD or 4WD incl. 1 pair of Schumacher front and rear Pre-Glued tires.

Your entry must be paid within 7 days
Payment information will be announced when you have done your entry.

The spots of the invited drivers which haven´t been confirmed and paid their entry fee or not paid entries will be given to drivers on the waiting list, so please be patient if you are on the waiting list.

Hotel Information

OCC Hotel ”Trackside” Hotel
Booking at OCC must be done before December 1st 2018
http://www.hotelodense.dk or e-mail occ@occ.dk
Please add: „DHI 2019“ on your booking to get the special DHI prices.
Standard room
Price pr. single room pr. night: 875 DKK.
Price pr. doubleroom pr. night: 975 DKK.

Scandic Hotel (10 minutes away by car)Single bed room 600 DKK pr.nightDouble bed room 720 DKK pr. night3-Bed room 840 DKK pr. nightAll booking to Scandic Hotel must be done direct to the hotel by email odense@scandichotels.com and using the code “DHI Minirace 2015”Scandic Hotel is located at the motorway a few exits awaySingle bed room 600 DKK pr.nightDouble bed room 720 DKK pr. night3-Bed room 840 DKK pr. nightAll booking to Scandic Hotel must be done direct to the hotel by email odense@scandichotels.com and using the code “DHI Minirace 2015”Scandic Hotel is located at the motorway a few exits away
Price pr. single room pr. night: 695,- DKK.
Price pr. double room pr. night: 825,- DKK.
Price pr. room w. 3 beds pr. night 995,- DKK.
including breakfast

Scandic Hotel
Hvidkærvej 25
5250 Odense SV
Only available by e-mail order to mail: Scandic Odense e-mail: odense@scandichotels.com Use promo code: “DHI Cup 2019”

Booking of hotels is business between driver and our hotel partners, all contacts about hotels should be done directly to the Hotels.

Best regards

Ulrich Rasmussen
DHI-Cup manager

Quelle: Ulrich Rasmussen – Odense/Dänemark (Zum Verein)

Weitere Links

DHI-Cup 2018 präsentiert von LRP

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