XRS-Germany beim MCRT-Aschaffenburg

Die 2. Runde der XRS Germany fand beim MCRT-Aschaffenburg statt. Es war das letzte Mal, dass das Rennen in dieser Anlage stattfand, da die Strecke voraussichtlich im ersten Quartal 2019 geschlossen werden wird. In der Nähe der „alten“ Strecke wird jedoch eine neue, größere und noch bessere Strecke gebaut. Bleibt dran.

Das Team vor Ort hat gute Arbeit geleistet. Die Organisation war super und die Rennstrecke war gut vorbereitet. Da die Strecke für ihr kleines technisches Layout bekannt ist, hat sie von allen Fahrern viel abverlangt, um fehlerfrei über die Läufe zu bleiben. Die Klassen Touring Car Stock, 1/12 GT Pan Car, Touring Car FWD und Formel standen auf dem Programm. Viele Fahrer starteten bereits am Samstag mit einem freien Training. Abends wurde ein Abendessen für alle organisiert.

Der Sonntag war der Renntag, der mit der Fahrerbesprechung um 8.30 Uhr begann. Die erste von drei Qualifikationsrunden begann um 9 Uhr morgens mit einer Stunde Pause zwischen den Läufen. Zwei von drei gingen in die Wertung für die Finaleinteilung ein. Am Nachmittag kam es zur Entscheidung um den Sieg in den vier Klassen. Das Ergebnis sah wie folgt aus:

  1. Jannick Namyslo – XRAY T4
  2. Jens Haller – XRAY T4
  3. Andreas Gehrig – XRAY T4

  1. Johannes Fecher – XRAY X1
  2. Daniel Schober – XRAY X1
  3. Alexander Olah – XRAY X1

  1. Harald Schmittgen – XRAY
  2. Dirk Keller – MTS
  3. Andres Hummel – MTS

1/12 GT Pan Car
  1. Benedikt Neubert – XRAY X12
  2. Felix Reichold – XRAY X12
  3. Haroun Schobner – Godspeed

Englische Version

Race report by Jannick Namyslo

The 2nd round of 2018 XRS Germany was held at the permanent track of MCRT-Aschaffenburg. It was the last time the race took place at this facility since the track is likely to be closed in the first quarter of 2019. However a new, bigger and even better track will be build near the old one. Stay tuned for that.

Even tough the team did a great job. Organisation was good and the race track was prepared fine. As the track is known for its small technical layout it demanded a lot from all drivers to make all clean runs. The classes run were Touring Car Stock, 1/12 GT Pan Car, Touring Car FWD and Formula 1. Most of the drivers already started on Saturday with free practice on the schedule all day long. In the evening a new dinner was organized for all who wanted to join.

Sunday was race day which started with drivers meeting at 8.30am. First out of three Qualifying rounds started at about 9am with a gap of one hour between the runs. Two out of three were counted. As I found a decent starting setup for my T4 2019 I was able to TQ all three rounds. In FWD Harald S. Who drove the new XRAY Prototype was able to TQ all three rounds as well with the car

(and driver) showing outstanding performance. In Formula One Johannes F. dominated the field with his XRAY X1. In 1/12 GT Pan Car Felix R. Was the driver topping the lists followed by Benedikt N. With his XRAY X12.

Finals were as thrilling and tight as the qualifying. Even tough drivers stayed fair and no penalties had to be called. In TC Stock I made a mistake in A1 and traction rolled which resulted in a DNF as my motor plug came off. Jens Haller took this one. In A2, I was able to take the tone-to-tone win without mistakes. In A3, after the start Jens and me pushed away from the field right behind each other. We had 4 minutes

of pure fighting, but everything stayed fair. Thank you for that it made a lot of fun!

Stock Results

  1. Jannick Namyslo – XRAY T4
  2. Jens Haller – XRAY T4
  3. Andreas Gehrig – XRAY T4

Formula One Johannes Fecher took a tone-to-tone win in A1 and A2 to seal the deal.

Formula One Results

  1. Johannes Fecher – XRAY X1
  2. Daniel Schober – XRAY X1
  3. Alexander Olah – XRAY X1

FWD was quite the same story as Formula A1 with Harald S. taking the win in with a really good performance. In A2, Harald Schmittgen had some really intense, but still fair fights. In the end he was able to withstand the enormous pressure set by 2nd place runner Dirk Keller. So this one was decided right after A2 as well!

FWD Results

  1. Harald Schmittgen – XRAY
  2. Dirk Keller-MTS
  3. Andres Hummel-MTS

1/12 GT things got mixed as Felix R. Was not able to hold is TQ spot and

Benedikt Neubert took the win with his XRAY X12. In A2, Benedikt was able to repeat his performance of A1 again which made it the third class the winner was decided after A2 already!

1/12 GT Pan Car Results

  1. Benedikt Neubert- XRAY X12
  2. Felix Reichold- XRAY X12
  3. Haroun Schobner – Godspeed

Quelle: teamxray

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