XRS Slovakia R5 Report

Der fünfte Lauf der XRS Slovakia fand am letzten Wochenende in der Hudy Arena statt. Mit am Start die Stars aus dem Xray Team, wie Bruno Coelho, Alexander Hagberg, Martin Bayer und vielen guten Fahrern, die um den Sieg in den vielen Klassen kämpften. Die Teilnehmer gingen in On- und Offroad an den Start.

Die Ergebnisse und ein Bericht vom Rennen gibt es in Englisch.

Race Report by XRAY

Last weekend, the 5th round of XRS Slovakia took place in Hudy Arena. First lets start with offroad classes.

In 4WD and 2WD Buggy Martin Bayer took the overall TQ. Max Gotzl took P2 and Adam Izsay P3 in both classes.

In finals, top 3 remained the same and Martin Bayer took the win ahead of Max and Adam!

4WD Buggy Results

  1. Martin Bayer – XRAY XB4
    2. Max Gotzl – XRAY XB4
    3. Adam Izsay – XRAY XB4

2WD Buggy Results

  1. Martin Bayer – XRAY XB2
    2. Max Gotzl – XRAY XB2
    3. Adam Izsay – XRAY XB2

In Stock 2WD Buggy Ales Bidovsky took TQ and win ahead of Pawel Ntkovca and Juraj Hudy!

2WD Buggy Stock Results

  1. Ales Bidovsky – AE
    2. Pawel Ntkovca – XRAY XB2
    3. Juraj Hudy – XRAY XB2

Now to onroad. In Modified we could see some niece fights. Alexander Hagberg eventually came on top in both qualifications and finals followed by Bruno Coelho and Martin Hudy!

Modified Results

  1. Alexander Hagberg – XRAY T4
    2. Bruno Coelho – XRAY T4
    3. Martin Hudy – XRAY T4

In Stock, Pierre Delorme was man of the class, he was followed by Oliver Havranek and Lukasz Mach.

Stock Results

  1. Pierre Delorme – XRAY T4
    2. Oliver Havranek – XRAY T4
    3. Lukasz Mach – XRAY T4

In 1/12 Alexander Hagberg dominated the field while in 1/12 GT it was Jiri Vasica who took the win!

1/12 Results

  1. Alexander Hagberg – XRAY X12
    2. Tomas Liptak – XRAY X12
    3. Branislav Panak – XRAY X12

1/12 GT Results

  1. Jiri Vasica – XRAY X12
    2. Ivan Viskup – XRAY X12
    3. Vladimir Viskup – XRAY X12

In Formula, Lukas Hoch continued in his great form from ETS and took TQ and win ahead of stacked field!

Formula Results

  1. Lukas Hoch – XRAY X1
    2. Michal Wojcik – XRAY X1
    3. Zsolt Molnar – XRAY X1

FWD was in sign of battle between Oliver Havranek and Lukas Hoch with Oliver eventually coming out better!

FWD Results

  1. Oliver Havranek – XRAY T4F
    2. Lukas Hoch – XRAY T4F
    3. Igor Liptak – XRAY T4F

Finally, in 1/10 Pan Car Zoltan Polayk took TQ and win!

1/10 Pan Car Results

  1. Zoltan Polyak – XRAY X10
    2. Gabor Laszlo – XRAY X10
    3. Miroslav Hargas – XRAY X10

Quelle: teamxray

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