EOS Update für die Saison 2020

Der Saisonstart des EOS in Daun / Deutschland ist schon etwas her. Kurz darauf kam es wegen dem Coronavirus zu vielen Beschränkungen in den Ländern auf der Welt.

Mit der COVID-19-Situation in Europa und der Welt istaan internationale Rennen, wie eben dem EOS kaum zu denken. Reisebeschränkungen, Übernachtungen, wie auch Auflagen an die Vereine und Organisatoren machen es nicht einfacher. Das EOS Team um Scotty und Uwe geben ihr bestes, um die nächsten Rennen austragen zu können.

Derzeit gibt es einen VORLÄUFIGEN Zeitplan für die EOS Saison 2020:

▪️ EOS R2 – 04-06 September 2020 – NEUE ARENA33 (Outdoor) – Andernach, DE
▪️ EOS R3 – 23.-25. Oktober 2020 – noch zu bestätigender Veranstaltungsort (Indoor)
▪ EOS R4 / Finale – 11.-13. Dezember 2020 – HUDY Arena (Indoor) – Trencin, SK

Bleibt dran und besucht regelmäßig die Seite der Euro Offroad Series.

Hier der original Facebook Post:

Dear EOS Family,

It seems like a really long time since we were all together in Daun now and, as we all know, the whole world is a very strange and difficult place for everyone at the moment. Most importantly, I hope you and your family are well and safe. It’s not a nice situation for any of us to be in, and we know that you are probably all missing RC racing as much as we are.

With the COVID-19 situation around Europe and the world, things change quickly and we are trying our best to stay up to date with all the news. Each country and sometimes even each region within a country has different rules and things change at different speeds. But, it looks like things do seem to be improving and, although there is a long way to go yet, we at least have the possibility of thinking towards the future.

The most important things for us to think about are the rules from each country around travel, and of course, holding events. As these things change, we will have different challenges to face, but we also want to let you know how our plans are for continuing the EOS season in 2020.

We are pleased to be able to announce the new PROVISIONAL schedule for the EOS 2020. We hope that we are able to hold events from September now, and this means we have the possibility to have four EOS races this year and make a full championship:

▪️ EOS R2 – 04-06 September 2020 – NEW ARENA33 (Outdoor) – Andernach, DE
▪️ EOS R3 – 23-25 October 2020 – Venue To Be Confirmed (Indoor)
▪️ EOS R4/Finals – 11-13 December 2020 – HUDY Arena (Indoor) – Trencin, SK

We hope that things do continue to improve and we are talking with our friends and host venues across Europe regularly. We of course want to get back to EOS racing soon, but the most important thing is to be able to do this safely, within the rules of the different countries, and also when our EOS Family from around the world is able to travel safely to our races. We remain hopeful we can complete the schedule above, but we’ll always give you more information as soon as it is possible. For now, we would suggest that you do not make any bookings for any races until we fully say each event is confirmed.

Please stay safe and healthy and we look forward to being together at a race track soon

Your Uwe & Scotty

Quelle:   Euro Offroad SeriesTonisport