Doppelsieg für Havranek beim MRcup

In Brno konnte Oliver Havranek beim dritten Lauf des MRcup einen Doppelsieg in den Tourenwagen Klassen Stock und Modified mit seinem Xray feiern. Mehr hier:

Englische Version 

Race report by Oliver Havranek

MRcup round 3 was held in Brno, Czech Republic on 19th of June.

The race started on Saturday morning with first qualification of modified class. I started from first place and was able to win two of three qualifications with a great pace and secure a TQ for finals.

In modified I drove only the first two finals because I won both of them. In stock class we had perfect fights with Radko, but he couldn´t overtake me. In the end I finished first and Radko Cernohous finished second.

Modified results:

  1. Oliver Havranek – XRAY T4
  2. Radko Cernohous – XRAY
  3. Petr Wittgruber – XRAY T4

In stock class I managed to win all three qualies with Radko Cernohous behind me as well as in modified. Through the lunch break I prepared my cars for the finals.

Stock results:

  1. Oliver Havranek – XRAY T4
  2. Radko Cernohous – XRAY T4
  3. David Mestan – XRAY T4

Quelle:  teamxray