Davis gewinnt die Tasmanian State Titles in Australia

Für den Australier Issac Davis lief es in Australien sehr gut. Er konnte in GT und 21,5t die Tasmanian State Titles holen.

Mehr hier im Report by Michael Stone:

The Tasmanian State Titles was held on the 5-6 March at Southern Tasmania Model Car Club. A small turnout with team Xray having awesome numbers.

Issac Davis Top qualified and won both classes he raced in (21.5t & GT). With some super clean driving and precision Issac was able to set track records in both classes dominating all qualifiers and finals.

XRAY took the entire podium in 21.5, with Mark Davis in second and Clint Brown in third.

21.5 results:

  1. Issac Davis – XRAY
  2. Mark Davis – XRAY
  3. Clint Brown – XRAY


In 13.5 Lee Harvey took TQ and the win, Michael Stone in P2 and Tim Boundy in third. Some super close racing throughout the weekend with track records being set.

13.5 results:

  1. Lee Harvey
  2. Michael Stone – XRAY X4
  3. Tim Boundy

The hospitality and the atmosphere of the Tasmania club was amazing. The event ran incredibly smooth and well. The track is a medium sized, outdoor boral coated surface with medium grip levels, is a great track to drive on and would highly encourage anyone to attend this event.


Quelle:  teamxray