Doppelsieg für Becker bei den Six Days R6

Am letzten Wochen gab es nochmal ein Hallenrennen beim AMC Langenfeld. Für Jens Becker lief das Rennen sehr gut. Er beendete dieses mit einem Doppelsieg und schrieb dazu einen kurzen Beitrag in Englisch:

Double TQ and WIN at Longfield Six Days Rd6.

The Six and final Round of the Longfield Six Days was held the past weekend and marked the end of the carpet indoor season.

I started again with my XB2 and Xt2 to compete in two classes and after some fun qualifiers and finals, I was able to take the TQ for both classes, as well as the overall after winning all finals.

Cars were on point and I just made some slight changes thru the weekend.

2WD modified results:

  1. Jens Becker – XRAY XB2
  2. Loic Etienne – XRAY XB2
  3. Nils Luft
  4. Paul Siebers
  5. Lennard Rademacher

Truck modified results:

  1. Jens Becker – XRAY XT2
  2. Frank Wakan
  3. Thomas Müller
  4. Patrick Sadrinna
  5. Stefan Augustin

4WD modified results:

  1. Nils Luft
  2. Lennard Rademacher
  3. Maik Diel – XRAY XB4
  4. Frank Wakan
  5. Michi Markus – XRAY XB4

Quelle:  teamxray