XRS Braunschweig Germany Round 2 – Der Bericht

Der große Löwenring war am letzten Wochenende der Schauplatz des 2.Laufes der XRS Germany. Dafür war der Verein sehr gut vorbereitet und bot den Teilnehmern ein schönes Rennwochenende.

Von dem Rennen berichtet Jan Ratheisky (Englisch):

This weekend we held the 2nd race of our Braunschweig Xray Racing Series supported by XRAY and SMI.

Most of the drivers showed up Saturday already and had best weather and nice traction on our large track in Braunschweig. We spend the entire day for free practice and just gave the 1:8E cars 2×10 mins every hour for exclusive class practice. All other classes drive together very well and the drivers made their car setups until a little thunderstorm and rain ends our practice around 6pm.

Sunday: After a practice by heats session in the early morning we drove our qualies followed with the mains with following results:

1/8 electric results:

  1. Jan Ratheisky – XRAY RX8E
  2. Christian Wunsch
  3. Emely Ratheisky – XRAY RX8E
  4. Svantje Ratheisky – XRAY RX8E
  5. Kai Asmer – XRAY RX8E

FWD results:

  1. Jan Ratheisky – XRAY X4F‘23
  2. Christian Ahrens
  3. Emely Ratheisky – XRAY X4F‘23
  4. Klaus Hein – XRAY X4F

TC Stock 17.5 results:

  1. Jan Ratheisky – XRAY X4
  2. Christian Ahrens
  3. Svantje Ratheisky – XRAY X4
  4. Klaus Hein – XRAY X4
  5. Emely Ratheisky – XRAY X4

TC modified results:

  1. Jan Ratheisky – XRAY X4
  2. Mark McEntee – XRAY X4
  3. Philipp Lischke – XRAY X4

TC 21.5 rooky results:

  1. Klaus Gross
  2. Marlon Ratheisky – XRAY X4
  3. Dennis Scheffler – XRAY


Quelle: teamxray