Es gibt ein Update des bereits bekannten Ridge Pin Reifen für Offroad 1/8 von Schumacher Racing Products.Dieser Reifen hat nun 7 Reihen von Pins, also eine Reihe mehr. Dies wurde von den Fahrern gewünscht.
Englische Version
We would like to inform you of an update to our popular Ridge Pin 1/8th buggy tyre.
Our original Ridge Pin featured 6 rows of pins, highly suitable for the front tyres for astro 1/8th racing.
Due to feedback from drivers around the world we have modified the tooling to now have 7 rows of pins (7R). This gives the choice to drivers to remain with the slightly more aggressive 7 rows or now to have the ability to trim 1 row for those higher bite conditions.
All stock released as of now has 7 rows and the old 6 row tyre is no longer available.
The Ridge Pin 7R combined with the original Mini Pin U6723 on the rear, gives great performance on astro tracks.
U6899 – RIDGE PIN – 7R 1/8 Tyre – Yellow (pr)
Quelle: Schumacher Racing und CS-SHOP