ETS-News zur FWD-Klasse

Nach dem tollen Wochenende in den Niederlanden gibt es seitens der ETS-Leitung neue Informationen zur kommenden FWD-Klasse. Ende letzten Jahres besprachen Scotty und Uwe, dass in der ETS eine Hobbyklasse fehlt. Unser Plan war einfach. Verwendet die branchenüblichen FWD-Fahrzeuge mit vorne montierten Motoren, montiert eure Elektronik, Reifen und Karosserien und verhindern, dass gesponserte Fahrer an dieser Klasse teilnehmen. Die Klasse soll erschwinglich und unterhaltsam sein. Vor ein paar Monaten hatte Max Mächler gefragt, ob es in der RC-Welt echte Regeln für Chassis- und Mittelmotordesign von Fahrzeugen in dieser Klasse gibt. Soweit online gesucht wurde und mit Leuten aus der Branche gesprochen wurde, gab es keine festgelegten Regeln.

Dieses Wochenende, während der ETS in den Niederlanden kündigte Awesomatix ihr sehr gut aussehendes FWD-Auto an und ich konnte es aus erster Hand sehen, da sie ein Muster hatten. Als der Plan gefasst wurde, die FWD-Klasse im ETS ins Leben zu rufen, ging es um das in der Branche seit über 20 Jahren verwendeten Frontmotor-Design. Dies sollte die Dinge so einfach wie möglich halten. Aus diesem Grund hat sich die ETS-Leitung entschieden, ihren ursprünglichen Plan beizubehalten und für die kommende Saison nur ein FWD-Chassis zuzulassen, welches über das standardmäßige Motorchassisdesign (Motor vorn) verfügt.

Nicht erlaubt im ETS in der FWD Klasse
Xray T4F erlaubt, weil Motor vorne

Scotty und Uwe entschuldigen sich bei Oleg, Max und dem Team von Awesomatix, dass Sie nicht klar vor einigen Monaten vorhersehen konnten, als sie sich nach Regeln erkundigten und so ein Fahrzeug konzipierten.

Dies gaben heute Scotty und Uwe bekannt.

TOS: Seitens der Regelung bei der Tonisport Onroad Series steht die Entscheidung noch aus.

Englische Version

What an amazing weekend in the Netherlands for Round 5 of the ETS. We want to thank everyone at the AMCA club for all their hard work making the event one of the best ETS we have ever held. It was really special and thankfully it was wonderful weather. We wanted to update everyone on the talk about the new Front Wheel Drive class we are planning on adding to next years ETS.

At the end of last year, myself and Uwe were discussing that we were missing a fun hobby class in the ETS like we used to have when we ran the TT class. A few years ago we thought we had found that with the addition of the Formula 1 class but we saw that this quickly became a very competitive and fully professional category. So we had the idea of adding the FWD class, a class that I have raced since 1995 when it was the first touring car I owned. Our plan was simple. Use the industry standard FWD cars with front mounted motors, control the electronics, tires, bodies and keep factory sponsored drivers from joining this class. Do all we can to make the class affordable and fun so racers who have cars already would want to join and take all the guess work out of the class for new racers who have never joined an ETS but think this class would be fun. A few months back Max Machler had asked us if there were any real rules out in the RC World about chassis designs and mid motor design for fwd cars, from as far as we could find looking online and talking to people in the industry, there were no set rules and we said so.

This weekend while at the ETS in the Netherlands, Awesomatix announced their very nice looking FWD car and I was able to see it first hand as they had a sample to show us and it is a beautiful car. When we first came up with our plan to add fwd to ETS, it was as we stated above, use cars that have followed the front mounted motor design which our industry has used for over 20 years. This was to keep things simple as possible. So we have decided stay with our original plan of only allowing a FWD chassis that has the standard front mounted motor chassis in the FWD category at ETS for the upcoming season.

We want to sincerely apologize to Oleg, Max and the team at Awesomatix for not being forward enough thinkers to see into the future to foresee this problem a few months ago when they inquired about rules but our number 1 goal is always to try and take care of our ETS family and give our racers the best series we possibly can. Do we always reach that goal, no, but we always give 110% effort to try and make it fun for all who are involved. We thank everyone for taking time to read this and we hope to see all of you at one of our upcoming ETS events.

Below are some of our pictures I took today. Great to see all the smiles from all of our ETS family of drivers.

Scotty and Uwe

Quelle: Uwe Rheinard , Tonisport und ETS

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