Am vergangenen Wochenende fand der zweite Lauf der fantastischen Worksop-Serie statt.
Mit dabei waren erfahrene Rennfahrer bis hin zu Neulingen und sogar einige Leute, die nach 20 Jahren wieder zum Hobby zurückkehrten!
Das Worksop-Team hatte für dieses Event ein fantastisches Streckenlayout mit Hindernissen aufgebaut. Darunter auch die Wall of Death. Die Ergebnisse findet ihr weiter unten im kompletten Bericht.
Englische Version
This past weekend was the second round of the fantastic Worksop series, as always there was a great entry of drivers present.
All abilities are welcome at this series, so we had Pro’s in attendance all the way through to new starters and even some people coming back to the hobby after 20 years away!
The race format was round by round qualifying, with the best 2 results from 4 rounds of qualifying counting towards the final position.
The Worksop team had designed a fantastic track layout for this event, some great off road features were built including the wall of death.
As always this is very popular with racers due to new features and jumps being built fresh for these events.
In 2wd qualifying, it was Neil Cragg who dominated proceedings by taking TQ in all 4 rounds, therefore he would line up on pole. Tommy Hall would be 2nd and Edward Callan would line up 3rd.
The A Final 2wd result was:
1 Neil Cragg – AE
2 Tommy Hall – AE
3 Jamie Hall – AE
4 Ben Smith – Schumacher
5 Edward Callan – Xray
6 Matthew Thompson – Schumacher
7 Allan O’Brien – Schumacher
8 William Skidmore – Schumacher
9 Freddie Thompson – AE
10 Joni Skidmore – Schumacher
In 4wd qualifying, it was Ben Smith who would take TQ to line up on pole. Joni Skidmore would be 2nd on the grid and Tommy Hall lined up 3rd on the grid.
The A Final 4wd result was:
1 Tommy Hall – AE
2 Neil Cragg – AE
3 Ben Smith – Schumacher
4 Joni Skidmore – Schumacher
5 Edward Callan – Xray
6 Jamie Hall – AE
7 James Helliwell – Xray
8 Allan O’Brien – Schumacher
9 Tyler Liddle – Schumacher
10 Luke Holdsworth – Schumacher
A brilliant event with lots of superb racing.
As always a really big thank you to the Worksop team for all of their hard work and efforts.
The next round of this series is on Sunday 28th November, limited spaces are still available in both classes.
Quelle: Schumacher Racing und CS-SHOP