In der kommenden Saison wird der deutsche Fahrer Timo Schröder in sein 15.Jahr mit Shepherd gehen. Mit seiner Erfahrung und den Erfolgen kann er nicht nur um Titel mitkämpfen, sondern auch bei der Entwicklung dem Team helfen.
Wir wünschen ihm viel Erfolg.

German Driver Announcement
Zen-Racing / Team Shepherd are pleases to announce that Timo Schroder will continue his 14 year association with Shepherd in to 2024. Next year will be Timo’s 15th season with the brand where we have seen a myriad of podiums both nationally and internationally from Timo.
Timo had this to say about his ongoing relationship with us
„I am super happy and motivated to test the new first parts of our next velox chassis that will come soon.
I am sure we will be even more competitive with the new option parts :)“
We look forward to continued success with Timo and his input in to the development of the platform will be amazing for us all.
Quelle: Team Shepherd Racing / Zen Racing