Team Orion hat zwei (drei) neue Vortex VDS-2HV Pro Servos im Programm. Das VDS2-HV PRO 1605 HS (16kg, 0.05s) und das VDS2-HV PRO 2607 HS (26kg, 0,07s) verfügen über ein Aluminiumgehäuse, was besonders für Nitro-Buggy- und E-Buggy-Klassen empfehlenswert ist.
Die technischen Daten der beiden Servos sind unterschiedlich. Das 1605 ist noch etwas schneller, aber nicht so kräftig wie das 2607.
ORI68026 Vortex VDS2-HV 1605 High-Speed Servo 7.4V
ORI68027 Vortex VDS2-HV 2607 High-Torque Servo
Alternativ gibt es noch ein Low-Profile Servo:
ORI68028 VDS2-HV XS 1007 (0.07s /60° – 10kg/cm)
Englische Version
Team Orion is proud to present two brand new servos: the Vortex VDS2-HV 2607 and VDS2-HV 1605. Both servos feature digital high-voltage technology built around a high-performance coreless motor. Both servos are waterproof, robust and precise – and got the approval from our international racing team.
In the high-grade plastic/aluminum case for best cooling a set of high-precision full metal quality gears is installed. In combination with the ultra smooth and strong coreless motor these servos will give you the great feeling and reactivity you need to be ahead of your competitors.
While the VDS2-HV 2607 is built for high torque applications thanks to a rated torque of 26kg at a speed of 0.07 seconds the VDS2-HV 1605 version is perfect for high-speed usage (0.05seconds/16kg).
Both Vortex servos are programmable.
- Waterproof
- High Voltage (7.4V)
- Dual Ball Bearings
- Coreless Motor
- Full Metal Gears
- Programmable
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, und Fachhandel.
Quelle: Team Orion
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